We send you remanufactured Fuse box from our stock, then you return your old Fuse box (the CORE) to us.

On checkout you will be billed a $80-$100 refundable core deposit. We will refund you the deposit as soon as you return the core to us.

Please return the core within 15-20 days of purchase. We recommend you use the same packaging.

You pay for return shipping ($16 flat rate). Return address sticker will be included in the package.

Fill up enclosed return form: note that you are returning your old Fuse box as a core, your contacts and description of issues your Fuse box has has.

To qualify as a core your fuse box must be complete, no missing parts, not damaged/burned/melted, not flooded (from flooded vehicle). The core must have the same part number as you ordered.